Monday, October 12, 2015

Social Media & Buisness

Social Media Use to Brand Businesses 
The use of social media has overpowered everything now days; people use it as a form of communication to keep in contact with close and long distance friends/family. However, it's no secret that social media is used for more than just communicating among friends and family. The power of the impact that social media can have on the business of marketing is outstanding, and has become a major part of branding and promoting businesses all around the world, now days if a company does not have a social media presence and activity; it can seriously affect the growth of their business.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest represent a huge opportunity for businesses to grab the attention of customers, let them see what’s new and trending with their company in real time while simultaneously building their brand image. 

When creating a social media marketing strategy, it's worth thinking carefully about who is being targeted; as there will be people within your social networks who may not necessarily be customers, but who could possibly have a big impact on your marketing efforts. Social media is not a campaign, it’s a commitment that we always need to be active on for it to be effective.

So, what does this mean for your business?
Even though it seems as though all social media platforms can essentially do the same things, each platform actually can offer something different to your business. It's important to recognize and consider these differences when developing a social media strategy and deciding which platforms are best for your company. For help developing an effective social media strategy on any of these platforms, check out this link: Differences between Social media Platforms

I also wrote a post about two Companies (Ford and Toyota) that seem to have a nice hold on their social media strategies, feel free to check it out: Social Media- Strategy Comparison